Momentos Vivos started in 2019. The company was created as a unique way to provide the best Creative Writing services in the form of awesome Prose and beautiful Poetry to everyone.
As more and more steady and continuous stream of information passes through us, we become profoundly creative, while expressing the personal and the universal with our work. We know that everyone is looking for simple language that follows the natural patterns found in everyday speech. Our Creative Writing adopts the basic principle of prose and naturally conveys an idea, delivers information or tells a story using simple words and short sentences. Our Creative Writing also aims to fulfill a story’s promise, creates a voice or builds rapport through familiarity. When it comes to our Poetry, sometimes we use deliberate patterns, such as rhythm and rhyme. Our Poetry incorporates more figurative language too. Many of our Poems have a formal metrical structure while repeating patterns of beats. Our verses vary in line lengths and sometimes we use deliberate line breaks or more white space on a page than our Prose.
You can find our work in the form of ghostwriting, copywriting and blogging on UpWork, LinkedIn ProFinder, Freelancer, Guru, Peopleperhour, Freelance Writing Gigs, Simply Hired, IFreelance, Aquent and The Creative Group, among others. Our Prose and Poetry is created in Spanish and Portuguese too. We know that Latin American variants are distinctive and rich.
Our work is a renovation of poetic form and techniques, extended to the use of free verse. Sometimes our experiments remain within accepted and traditional prosodic molds, but in other cases, we present new and daring prose with confrontational and shocking forms.
Today, we are the only choice for people that are looking for simple, clear and Creative Writing with quality. Our Prose and Poetry bring a better and more efficient communication, but also add more beauty to the world. At Momentos Vivos, we normalize a new way of Creative Writing through self-awareness and introspection. Our Creative Writing empowers our customers to be at their best: self-creative.
But enough about us—let’s talk about you. Whether you want fictional or non-fictional Prose; or perhaps you require a heroic Prose or Prose Poetry; you need a self-renewing and regenerating way of Creative Writing that helps you share your gifts with the world, so you can focus on blazing a trail in your business.